Dr. Cody McNulty
Dr. Cody McNulty is a driven and results-oriented professional with a proven track record of success. Dr. McNulty has a strong background in Anatomy, Physiology, Acute pain care, and Chiropractic treatment.
He began his schooling at Cowley County Community College; he then continued to Kansas State University where he received his Bachelors degree in Kinesiology with emphasis in exercise physiology in 2016. He then took a year off to work at ,Foulsten Siefkin LLP in Wichita Kansas, this is where Dr. McNulty found his calling to Chiropractic.
In 2017 Dr. McNulty attend Cleveland University of Kansas City, and graduated with Doctor of Chiropractic degree in August of 2020. He continues to practice as a board certificated doctor as well as a member of the American Chiropractic Association.
Dr. McNulty started working at Fulk Chiropractic in 2017 while going to school. He has been an important member to the team, as well as gain invaluable experience from the group his peers at Fulk Chiropractic.
Dr. McNulty recently moved into Olathe where his wife Sidney and son look to grow as a family, and as members of the Olathe Community.