There’s no shortage of advice on the web offering natural headache relief remedies, but how do you know which remedies work and which ones are just smoke and mirrors?
We asked 12 Kansas City headache experts to compile a list of the most-effective ways to relieve headaches, naturally.
Anatomy You Need to Know
Most people don’t realize that your brain doesn’t actually feel pain. But the covering of the brain, the blood vessels, your skull, and your scalp are all sensitive to pain.
The nerve that’s actually responsible for transmitting pain impulses (headaches and neck pain) is your trigeminal nerve.
There are several things that many of us do on a daily basis that irritate our trigeminal nerve and cause headaches. The key to natural headache relief is to determine what’s causing that irritation and then fix it.
Natural Headache Relief Tip #1: Stretch and Breathe
If your life is anything like mine, you collapse into bed almost every night with your ‘list’ only half-way done, at best.
According to a recent study, our lives are more complicated, fast-paced and stressful than they were just five years ago.
Our overworked minds and bodies cope with this added stress by tensing our muscles (especially in our neck, shoulders and upper back.) The result? Headaches.
To head these headaches off at the pass try these ideas:
Tension Headache Stretches
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. They are often caused by tension in the neck. In this video, Dr. D’sjon Martin shows you how to perform several exercises that stretch and relax your neck muscles. This, in turn, will relieve the tenison that often causes headaches.
Ok, we’re not implying that you’re forgetting to breathe, but when you head is pounding, you may not be getting enough oxygen to your brain. When we are under stress, we naturally take more shallow breaths. Make a conscious effort to take full, deep breaths using your diaphragm. Adding a bit more oxygen may be all you need for a little natural headache relief.
Natural Headache Relief Tip #2: Improve Your Posture
The way you stand (and especially how you sit) can make all the difference in the world when it comes to tension headaches.
Most tension headaches are caused by misaligned joints in the neck that pinch and irritate the nerves in the spinal column. These nerves begin in the spinal cord and then travel down the back of the neck and up the back of your head.
More than 80 percent of today’s jobs are sedentary (or require light activity). That means that most of us are seated at a desk for eight or more hours every day, and many of us are guilty of poor posture.
When you hunch over or slouch, the weight of your head puts pressure on your neck. In fact, for every inch your head moves forward, you’re adding 10 pounds of weight on your neck! We call this forward head posture, and it basically turns your head into a bowling ball.
What You Can Do
Take a close look at your workstation. Make sure your computer monitor is at eye level. If you have to look down to see the screen, you’re probably not sitting up straight. Prop your monitor up with a few books if you need to, and if you use a laptop, consider getting an external keyboard and mouse. Your arms should rest at a 90 degree angle.
Finally, consider your office chair. Your tailbone should be touching the back of the chair, your shoulders relaxed and you head should be directly above your spine.
If may feel awkward, at first, but a few minor adjustments can go a long way toward natural headache relief and prevention.
Natural Headache Relief #3: Drink More Water
Statistics show that we don’t drink near enough water on a daily basis. That alone can cause headaches. Then, we add in caffeine with our coffee and tea, sugary drinks that dehydrate you and alcohol. It’s no wonder that tension headaches are the second most common illness in the world!
Get a big mug or cup with a straw and keep it at your desk. Make a goal to fill it up at least 4 times during your work day. You may have to take a few more trips to the restroom, but you’ll have the added benefit of stretching your arms and legs, too!
Natural Headache Relief #4: Go for a Walk
When you have a headache, sometimes the last thing you want to do is to be active, but getting outside and breathing in a little fresh air can help to loosen the tight muscles that may be causing your headache.
It can also help to take your mind off the pain. Take a walk in one of our beautiful Kansas City parks or even a stroll around your office park can make a big difference!
Natural Headache Relief #5: Peppermint Oil
We’ve all heard about the recent essential oil fad, but do they really work? Peppermint oil actually has a notably soothing effect when you need quick and natural headache relief. When you apply it to your temples the back of your jaw and your forehead, you’ll immediately feel a cooling sensation that can quickly relieve headache pain.
Breathe deeply, find a quiet place and sip some cool water.
If you try all of these natural headache relief remedies and you’re still unable to get rid of your headache, you may need to consult an expert. The doctors at Fulk Chiropractic specialize in diagnosing and treating headaches and migraines. They work closely with local primary care physicians to help thousands of Kansas City patients find relief from all types of headaches.
Learn More:
Headache or Migraine How to Tell the Difference